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Monday, September 30, 2013

Is Star Jone's Weight Loss a Sham?

At approximately 300 pounds, everyone guesses she went the route of gastric bypass surgery because in a very short period of time, Star Jones lost a lot of weight. Of course Star denies the rumors vehemently. But before we speculate on Star Jones weight loss, let me reveal some startling statistics.

Did you know that 64% of all Americans are overweight and 27% of all Americans are obese? Did you know that 300 million people world wide are obese and 400,000 deaths each year are directly or indirectly attributed to obesity? Sobering statistics huh? Did you also know that the diet industry is a $61 Billion a year industry as of 2008?

With all the various diet and weight loss informational products advertised, it really is hard to know which one to chose. Personally, I don't think Star went the gastric bypass route. So just how did Star Jones lose her weight? I believe she did it very simply - through diet and exercise. It's not impossible to lose massive amounts of weight in a short period of time. I did. I was 213 pounds over 10 years ago. I went from a size 22 to a size 2 in six months. Let's translate that into numbers: I went from 213 pounds to 120 pounds in 6 months and I did it through healthy eating, exercise, and discipline - Just like Star Jones did.

I've reviewed a lot of diets in my desperate quest for weight loss. Most, if not all, left me weak, depleted of muscle, dehydrated and in worse condition than when I started. I did, however, come across 5 great diets that were exceptional. What did they have in common? They all were nutritionally balanced, had adequate protein and carbohydrates, and stressed the importance of daily exercise. Gee, who would have thought? You mean there is no magic pill? Whenever people see how much weight I've lost, they immediately ask me my opinion on Star Jones weight loss. I politely tell them, "I think she went the natural route".

Since that question is so popular, I have a proposal. Let's make Star Jones weight loss a question on the show, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

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Great Weight Loss Advice

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Routine For Weight Loss

Sunday, September 29, 2013

5 Simple Yet Powerful Tips on Weight Loss With Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs if you have an under-active thyroid which is a gland located in your neck. In this case, your thyroid produces too little hormone that does not meet the demands of your body. All body functions are affected as there is a general "slowing-down" of your body's processes. This condition manifests itself in a variety of symptoms. With the unexplainable weight gain in hypothyroidism, losing weight can be very challenging.

Following are 5 simple tips to help you in losing weight with hypothyroidism:

For More Related Topics Blog: Work Out Routines To Lose Weight

Are Rapid Weight Loss Pills Enough to Lose Weight and Keep it Off?

Are rapid weight loss pills really enough to lose weight and keep it off?

In reality, you really might not want to go for supplements as long as you are having some weight loss results with the right diet and exercise. And you might be right most of the times. But what do you do when you want to try some weight loss pills, and do not want to add a diet or exercise on top of that?

Well, it might surprise you, but you should as well see great results.

To lose weight, the first thing you should do is definitely change your eating habits a bit. But even if you don't change them, diet pills might do the work for you.

To keep the lost weight off, when you stop taking weight loss supplements, you should actually eat less of the bad foods: cakes, sweets, deep fried foods, and similar. And the good news is, after taking diet pills, you might even not need any efforts to do that!

See, pills change your habits a bit, because they just make you feel not so hungry. So you eat less. After you stop taking them, you have a good habit of eating less, which will keep your lost weight off. This is the result of most of the diet pills out there - people are seeing not only the results in lost weight, but also in their eating habits. They start to eat a little bit healthier, which is almost always enough to keep the lost weight off.

For More Related Topics Blog: Daily Calories To Lose Weight

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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3 Important Facts About Weight Loss

Are you ready to be amazed? You should be, because in this article I am going to give you 3 facts about weight loss that will really astound you.

Fact number 1 - I suspect that like many or indeed most people you receive hundreds of spam emails each week telling you how to last longer in bed and improve your love life. Relax because you are not alone, we all get them daily. Well, here is a little fact you should know. the very best way to improve your love life and or indeed your impotency if you suffer from it is to simply lose weight. Losing weight along with more exercise will help cure you of your impotency and if you do not believe me just try it to see for yourself.

Fact number 2 - For many of us we run the risk of cancer through no fault of our own. Well, did you know that losing weight will actually help reduce the risk of you getting cancer? Some recent research and studies have shown that women who lost weight had fewer symptoms of breast cancer than those who continued to be overweight. It doesn't matter who you are, cancer can grab a hold very quickly so simply lose weight and reduce the risk to yourself.

Fact number 3 - Having someone who supports and motivates you during your weight loss diet is essential. There will be many times on your diet when you will want to give up and quit. It is at times like these that you need someone there to help tell you the reasons why you are doing this. Their support and motivation will help you succeed in losing weight.

There are many such groups available for you to join. Check out your local newspaper and see who is near to you. Being with other people who all have the same goal in common will really help you to lose weight and keep it off permanently.

Don't take all of the burden yourself, find a shoulder to cry on and one that helps to keep you strong when things are looking bad.

I hope you have learned a few things from this article and remember, losing weight really is not that difficult when you understand how!

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Plans For Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Diet Plans For Weight Loss to Assist You in Removing Unwanted Fat

Endless number of ways is there to lose weight. Some of them are expensive and dangerous while some are risky and unhealthy. But it is your responsibility to stick to a healthy way to lose weight. Diet plans for weight loss are becoming popular these days as they are very effective in reducing weight.

There are a few things to be kept in mind while selecting the diet plan for shedding weight. The most important thing is that it should provide you a balanced diet instead of starving you. You can find many weight loss companies giving suggestions which you can't adjust with. Some recommend starvation method. But this should not be followed at all because it may drain your body energy. You can follow a method called Calorie Shifting to keep your metabolism high all the time. It is alternating the foods you eat in such a way that enables your body metabolism remain high without fail. You body will burn more calories by alternating the meals. Other healthy diet plans include eating multiple times a day to reduce body weight.

Thus with diet plans for losing weight you don't have to count calories and starve yourself to reduce weight. There is absolutely no need to take weigh loss pills by spending enormous amount. What you have to do is to eat healthy delicious foods to reduce weight. If you do not select a healthy way to get rid of extra calories, your weight loss will not be permanent. In that case, all your efforts and money would go waste.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Choose the Right Weight Loss Program - The Natural Way to Lose Weight

How should you choose the right weight loss program? Many people ask this question but not so many find the answer. Today is your lucky day because we will address this question for you. Finally, after searching high and low, here are the answers to your questions. We will also tell you more about the natural way to lose weight so make sure you read this article all the way to the end.

Millions and millions of Americans engage in a diet every year. There are also millions of commercial weight loss programs which you can try for free today. However, you can go on trying each of them but you will never be able to find one that is effective unless you are motivated enough to restrict your calorie intake and exercise. Ask yourself, "How should you choose the right weight loss program?" The answers to this question will help you achieve your goal.

1. Go for a legal and safe system. You will know it is safe if it gives all the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is true that we have to limit our calorie intake, but it should not be too much. The recommended calorie intake for women is from 1,000 to 1,200 per day while for men, it is 1,200 to 1,600 per day. If the system you are looking into requires you to go beyond these figures, you should consult your doctor first because it may dangerous to your health.

2. Avoid quick fixes. Real weight loss programs last a lifetime. A reasonable weight loss rate should be one to two pounds every week.

Acai Berry and Weight Loss - How Do You Lose Weight With Acai Berry Supplements?

A lot is being discussed about acai berry and weight loss these days. There are many forms in which acai is being sold. Some companies are selling capsules and many others are selling the juice form. Companies are spending a lot of dollars in advertisements also. Celebrity endorsements are further increasing the interest and curiosity of people.

The purpose of this article is to discuss how acai berry and weight loss have become a common point of discussion for people wanting to lose weight. Are the expectations from this super food realistic?

Many of the weight loss supplements in the market work by controlling your food consumption. These supplements make you feel full and thus prevent you from eating too very frequently. Acai berry on the other hand does not control your appetite. However it improves your capability to burn fat. It does this by providing you more energy and stamina.

You may spend the whole day running from place to place and you will not get tired at all. The energy for doing the entire running around is supplied by acai berry. The best part is, all this is natural. With adequate energy and enough physical activities you will be able to burn calories very easily. This fruit does a lot of other things like detoxify your body by removing the impurities, improve your body immunity, improve digestion and much more.

From this analysis it is quite evident that acai berry and weight loss are natural allies. You will be able to lose weight by simply maintaining your normal lifestyle. You just need to have the supplements to do the balancing act.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Crazy But Effective Weight Loss Techniques

Are you ready to lose weight and get that sexy body you have been wanting for so long? Believe it or not, you do not need to go on any of those fad diets. You simply need to follow a solid diet and do some exercise! Here are some crazy techniques which will help you get started on your weight loss journey with a bang!

Crazy But Effective Weight Loss Techniques


If you want to kick your metabolism into hyper drive, then this is an awesome way to do it! The only problem is that it is not the most pleasant!

When you are about to finish your shower, turn the water to ice cold and rinse your entire body under it for about 45-60 seconds. What this does is get your body burning loads of calories to create a burst of body heat to counteract the coldness.

Eat Loads of Apples!

Apples are probably my favorite fruit. Why?

Well, they taste pretty darn awesome! But even more important, they have tons of fibre in them. You see fibre allows you to have a clean and efficient digestive tract. When you do not have enough fibre, your entire digestive system actually slows down which makes fat storage occur much more often.

Fibre also gives you that "full" feeling without eating too much of it. So this will stop you from craving other foods with a high carbohydrate content!


If you have not heard of burpees, they are a fast paced exercise that can be done without any weights - yet they give you a full body work out while burning TONS of calories. You will look a little silly doing them, but luckily you can do them at home!

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Feeling Hungry - Simple Tips For Easy, Fast Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight fast but struggle with feeling hungry all the time? Here are some simple tips that can help you feel full all day long so you can reach your weight loss goals quickly and easily!

Increase your daily intake of fiber. Eat some nuts at least once during the day. Help your body stay hydrated by drinking water with fresh lemon juice. Make sure you eat at least three servings of vegetables every day. When you do not consume enough fiber, you will start to feel hungry soon after eating a meal. You will feel full all day long if you eat several servings of fruit and vegetables throughout the day. You will not be ravenously hungry when you eat fiber because your digestive tract will slow down. When you feel full for a long period of time, you will not have food cravings. Drinking water with fresh lemon juice will also help your body stay hydrated and you will not mistake thirst for hunger.

You can easily consume more fiber by eating strawberries at breakfast. Eating fruit in the morning will help your stomach feel full. When you are away from home, you can tote along some nuts. This snack provides a powerful punch of fiber and protein. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice into water and sip on it. Eat fresh vegetables at every meal including breakfast. Tomatoes can be placed onto a wheat bagel along with some low fat cheese for a high fiber breakfast. If you follow these simple tips, you will easily start seeing the results you want in less than a month!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Best Weight Loss Plan - How Do You Choose the Right One?

If you have finally made the decision to go on a diet, getting healthy and simply feeling better about yourself, you can turn to the internet for advice, but most likely you'll walk away confused. How do you find the best weight loss plan? Here is some advice for you:

It is a big, giant myth that all diets are basically the same. You could not be more wrong if you assume that is the case. Yes, all diets require you reduce the intake of food, but the method, frequency and technique of how you do this is all-important. Each type of diet takes a different approach, and you need to choose the one that is most compatible to your lifestyle and personality.

One example is the carb diet. You can choose high carb, low carb, low protein, low fat, and on and on. There are literally unlimited combination's. It's not easy to choose the best weight loss plan, but some of the internet 'e-diets' can really help. They have online coaching, forums and chat where you can connect with others doing the same diet.

The diet that works for you may not work so well for me. But you can cross off your list diets that require you to starve yourself - as these are not healthy at all. Stay away, too from diets that make you eat just one type of food, like grapefruit, etc. You need a healthy balance of food to keep from having dangerous side-effects from your diet.

The most important thing when searching for the best weight loss plan is to look at the long term. Your goal should be to lose weight over a long period of time. Diets where you don't lose weight at a controlled pace can actually make you fatter, as you quickly re-gain the weight from a 'crash' diet.

Try one of the internet e-diets and choose a weight loss method that seems sensible and safe to you. You will lose weight and keep if off, and stay healthy in the process.

Disclaimer: This information is based on information freely available in the popular press and medical journals that deal with health. Nothing herein is intended to be or should be construed to be any sort of medical advice. For medical advice the reader should consult with his or her physician or other medical specialist.

Free Quick Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight at a "SUPERCHARGED" Speed!

Here are some free quick weight loss tips that will RAMP up the rate at which you lose weight. If you're desperate for some fast weight loss results, read this now.

Free Quick Weight Loss Tips

1. Drop water weight with this "trick"

The trick, well, it's kinda boring. It's drink more water each day. Wait, wait, wait. Before you stop reading, you must understand the reasoning about drinking more water.

You have a bunch of retained water your body is carrying around. You probably want to get rid of it, right? Well, you can drop 3-5 pounds of it within a few days by simply "tricking" your body out of it's survival mode. It thinks water is scarce, so it hoards it. If you drink 30+ more ounces of water each day, you body will be fooled into thinking there's a lot of water available so it's unnecessary to retain it. So the body flushes it out almost immediately.

2. Take fish oil pills

This is more a long term weight loss tip. I know you want fast weight loss, we all do. But to accelerate your short term results and make sure you continue to lose weight over the long term (as well as keeping it off), take the fish oil pills so that the Omega 3 Healthy Fats can do their job.

Your body is so deprived of these healthy fats to the point that once you give them to your body, your body does some amazing things. Seriously, as long as you get a quality fish oil pill, you will not only get weight loss results, but you'll pretty much help out any healthy condition you have or are worried about.

Use these 2 free quick weight loss tips and you'll lose weight fast and over the long term... you get the best of both worlds.