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Monday, September 30, 2013

Is Star Jone's Weight Loss a Sham?

At approximately 300 pounds, everyone guesses she went the route of gastric bypass surgery because in a very short period of time, Star Jones lost a lot of weight. Of course Star denies the rumors vehemently. But before we speculate on Star Jones weight loss, let me reveal some startling statistics.

Did you know that 64% of all Americans are overweight and 27% of all Americans are obese? Did you know that 300 million people world wide are obese and 400,000 deaths each year are directly or indirectly attributed to obesity? Sobering statistics huh? Did you also know that the diet industry is a $61 Billion a year industry as of 2008?

With all the various diet and weight loss informational products advertised, it really is hard to know which one to chose. Personally, I don't think Star went the gastric bypass route. So just how did Star Jones lose her weight? I believe she did it very simply - through diet and exercise. It's not impossible to lose massive amounts of weight in a short period of time. I did. I was 213 pounds over 10 years ago. I went from a size 22 to a size 2 in six months. Let's translate that into numbers: I went from 213 pounds to 120 pounds in 6 months and I did it through healthy eating, exercise, and discipline - Just like Star Jones did.

I've reviewed a lot of diets in my desperate quest for weight loss. Most, if not all, left me weak, depleted of muscle, dehydrated and in worse condition than when I started. I did, however, come across 5 great diets that were exceptional. What did they have in common? They all were nutritionally balanced, had adequate protein and carbohydrates, and stressed the importance of daily exercise. Gee, who would have thought? You mean there is no magic pill? Whenever people see how much weight I've lost, they immediately ask me my opinion on Star Jones weight loss. I politely tell them, "I think she went the natural route".

Since that question is so popular, I have a proposal. Let's make Star Jones weight loss a question on the show, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

For More Related Topics Blog: Pills To Lose Weight Fast

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