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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Green Tea Pills and Weight Loss - What is the Truth?

Green tea pills for weight loss are fast becoming one of the most popular products sold today because many people are trying to lose weight in a healthy way. Pills are sold at health food stores, major supermarket chains, drug stores and on the internet. The pills provide all the same benefits for weight loss as drinking it does.

Green tea when combined with caffeine will help you burn extra calories and increase your energy levels and help to oxidize fats. Using it is a easy and healthful way to lose extra weight.

Americans are overweight and obese at an alarming rate. Flavonoids in green tea called cathechin polyphenols may help stimulate the use of fatty acids by the liver and the muscle cells thus reducing the rate that carbohydrates are used, this gives the body more endurance allowing you to exercise longer, which means more calories burned and more pounds lost.

Green tea pills for weight loss seems to be very popular these days, many over the counter weight loss pills contain some form of it as one of its ingredients along with caffeine and other thermogenics.

Some researchers have found that it can help you burn up to 80 extra calories a day or up to 8 pounds per year. It also will help you reduce food cravings which is quite a benefit when you are trying to lose weight.

I can't say for not sure if these pills for weight loss really work, but the multivitamin I take daily includes green tea extract as one of its ingredients.

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